I am now really behind on my commissions, so this is part apology part explanation as to why. I have a lovely client at the moment who came to me with a small dolls house to renovate that had become damaged. It was mass produced and small, but her collection, which she brought to show me, was far superior to her house, even renovated it will never really be what she wants. What we ended up doing is finding her a new unique house, and making her a purpose built basement to go with it which will also allow for a garden. This will be a high end finish and give her (hopefully) the house she really would like. It puts my work schedule back 2 months, but my business is not about time, it’s about making my clients the house that they have always wanted. So I’m really sorry for anyone waiting for me, but I promise to spend as much time with you, getting your project just right. Meantime a look at my clients new basement in progress….